
Wildlife Trapping Professionals Petersburg, Virginia

Call us now at 804-277-4142 for professional wildlife removal services in Petersburg, VA.

Featured Pests of Petersburg Virginia

We are a professional animal removal company headquartered in Petersburg, and servicing all of Petersburg, VA. We solve problems with wild critters in the home and around the property. We handle animals such as squirrels, raccoons, skunks, rats, mice, opossums, and even snakes, bats, and birds. We most commonly receive calls about scratching sounds in your attic, or digging in your lawn, or many other critter problems. We not only remove animals, but we provide a wide array of services, from animal damage repairs, preventative home repairs, attic cleaning, and more. We are fully licensed and insured in Virginia, and we answer our phones 24/7. Call us now at 804-277-4142 for a free price quote and to schedule a same-day or next day appointment for animal removal.

At our company, we recognize that all living things have a place in this world. We have designed an animal control and removal services that are perfect for your home. Our technicians have the expertise and completed a training program that gives them the capacity to deliver humane solutions that leads to long-term and practical results. We can also offer our services on commercial properties. We will ensure that we can minimize your business downtime that will safeguard the viability of your company. We have more than ten years of experience in wildlife removal, urban pest management, and bird control. Choosing us as your partner will mean that you have experts who will protect you from all sorts of wildlife invasion. Apart from our humane methods, we can also design a customized strategy that will meet the expectations of our clients. We are well-equipped to handle all types of wildlife infestation that happens in different facilities. 90% of our specialists have Bachelor’s and Associate’s Degree in Wildlife Management. Others have a professional background as wildlife rescue volunteers. We are also certified, licensed, and members of the different governing bodies. It should give you an assurance that we are following the local rules and regulations, and we have the tools and products necessary to sanitarily and legally deal with these animals.

About Our Company

Services We Offer

  • Wildlife Trapping
  • Prevention Repairs
  • Attic Cleanup

Best service in Petersburg

  • Superior wildlife control from attic to yard, start to finish.
  • Available 24/7 with weekend and same-day appointments
  • Humane treatment of animals and professional service for you.
We are competitively priced, but for the value you get, we are the best. Not all companies are the same! A pest control company will bill you monthly, for years, but never solve the problem. We solve your wildlife problem, permanently, the first time. No two jobs are exactly alike, so call us at 804-277-4142 for a price quote.

Client Testimonials

Petersburg Wildlife Trapper Tip of the Month:
Do squirrels attack or bite people?

Squirrels are known to be very ruthless animals. They are very cute, we must admit and some people have gone ahead to tame them lately. There is a very high possibility that they can bite or scratch someone when they are threatened. Sometimes, they simply run away but if they are unable to escape, they resort to fighting. They are very curious creatures and this means that they can never fail to follow the scent of food. What does this imply? We do cross paths with these creatures more often. They literally break in and find a place to reside in. Any attempt of catching them makes them very aggressive and that is how they end up biting or attacking humans.

Another funny incident with squirrels is that the moment it is fed, it will become your frequent visitor and before you notice it, the friends will be coming along too. The main cause of war between squirrels and humans is food. When you stop feeding them they get really annoyed and may end up attacking you. On the brighter side, when you stop getting closer and being good to them, you will not be bitten or attacked by these ungrateful creatures. Squirrel attacks or bites are not frequently mentioned though because they are rarely fatal and no rabies can be transmitted.

When do they really attack or bite you?

When do they really attack or bite you? It is very important that you stay away from them because they do attack people even if the cases are rarely reported. There are two main instances when you are likely to face their wrath. The first instance is when you headed right to where their babies are. A mother is a mother, always remember that. Just like humans, these moms have a natural gut of protecting their young ones, therefore, you will be attacked in order to be kept away or to be scared.

Another instance which is very weird is that these creatures also have a natural gut that tells them to just attack you. This is especially when they are sick. Squirrels are carriers of so many diseases and when they come right at you then it means that you are probably going to suffer from a dangerous disease. Anytime you are bitten by a squirrel, ensure that you seek medical attention.

Take Home Points

Have you ever wondered why squirrels have food all winter long? This is because they store their foods at different places so that when one spot is discovered, they still have other stores. During their mission of storing food, they will do anything possible to ensure that you do not spot them. By staying away from people, they ensure that they are not attacked by humans and that’s their well-known mechanism. But still, if you threaten them in any way, it may not end up well for you because these creatures never fail to react back.

What should I do if I find a nest of rodents in the attic?
What to do if you are bitten by a raccoon.
Is An Opossum Sick If You See It Moving Around During The Day?